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US sent Israel-stored munitions to Ukraine

US sent Israel-stored munitions to Ukraine

US sent Israel-stored munitions to Ukraine It was reported that the United States sent a munitions storage facility within Israel to Ukraine to be used to fight Russia The Starbulletin reported on Wednesday. The decision was taken last year, when Washington's Middle East ally was under the leadership of a centrist prime minister. The Israeli source confirmed the news to Starbulletin in a statement, stating that then-Prime Minister Yair Lapid had approved the transfer, even though the United States does not formally require this approval. Although it has condemned the Russian invading of Ukraine, Israel has limited its assistance to…
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Iran Will Sell Hundreds of Ballistic Missiles to Russia

Iran Will Sell Hundreds of Ballistic Missiles to Russia

Iran Will Sell Hundreds of Ballistic Missiles to Russia. US Ambassador for the United Nations Linda Thomas Greenfield has warned of the continued existence of the cooperation in the field of arms between Russia and the Islamic Republic of Iran and Russia. Thomas Greenfield emphasized Friday that the United States warned the UN Security Council in the past about the possibility that Iran as well as the DPRK had plans to transfer prohibited materials to Russia. "Since august, Iran is transferring several hundred UAVs to Russia which is in direct contradiction to UN Security Council Resolution 2231. How to Get…
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Ukraine is awed by US military aid as cease-fire rumored to be in shambles

Ukraine is awed by US military aid as cease-fire rumored to be in shambles

Ukraine is awed by US military aid as cease-fire rumored to be in shambles. The Ukrainian president has praised his fellow citizens in the United States for including tank-killing vehicles in its most recent multibillion-dollar aid package for the military. The Ukrainian president has praised the United States for including tank-killing armored vehicles as part of its latest multibillion-dollar aid package for the military and says they're "exactly what is needed" for Ukrainian soldiers fighting in the face of Russian forces. Officials also said it was unclear if Moscow adhered to the unilateral cease-fire that lasted 36 hours in celebration…
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US Scrambles to Stop Iran From Providing Drones for Russia

US Scrambles to Stop Iran From Providing Drones for Russia

US Scrambles to Stop Iran From Providing Drones for Russia. As the conflict in Ukraine continues to drag on certain officials have become certain they are convinced that Iran as well as Russia are forming an partnership of convenience. It is reported that the Biden administration is launching a wide-ranging campaign to stop Iran's ability to develop drones and then deliver them to Russia to be used during the conflict in Ukraine this effort recalls its long-running program to block Tehran's acces to the nuclear tech. In interviews across interviews in the United States, Europe and in Middle East, a…
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