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NFL’s handling of Black historical events calls for an African-centric approach

NFL's handling of Black historical events calls

The decision to exclude the African American history course as “woke culture” by the Florida administration of Governor. Ron DeSantis should set off alarms in members of the Black community. The reason is that the politics of education is a long-running tense subject for a group of people struggling to overcome the consequences of slavery and Jim Crow.

Know that the structure that is Black education was created by accident during the Civil War era by the same power groups that were oppressing their people. In in the 30s, critics including scholar Carter G. Woodson questioned the results of these programs as part of his book ” The Mis-Education of the Negro.” The concept of February being an opportunity to gain knowledge about important events in Black history is among his many contributions.

As America starts a month of looking back at its past racial the events that took place in Florida ought to serve as a reminder of the fragility of the most recent inclusive reforms in education. This also suggests a constant need for new ways of introducing forgotten history — maybe in no other area than Black historical politics.

NFL's handling of Black historical events calls

Instead of celebrating the accomplishments of the creation of states and their governance Education systems tend to portray Black historical events as dependent on other groups , and limited to America. In response to these teachings academics like the late historian Jacob Carruthers, in the 1999 book ” Intellectual Warfare,” advocated for easily accessible learning materials to combat the lack of education.

For teachers in Florida as well as other states that are in contest it is an appropriate time to revisit this concept. One possibility is the creation the online Black political calendar that incorporates the use of social media, screen-savers applications — and even a printed version that could be shared via Bluetooth technology.

Although the process of determining one’s position in the past is mostly an act of symbolism as well Black political culture is known to be a lot dependent on these things, this ritual can aid a group that is criticized to identify and protect its history.

In this way it is believed that the Black calendar of history and politics could be a great tool to restore the state’s legacy and promoting the importance of participation in politics. It can be a cost-effective method of responding to targeted attacks on inclusive learning as the fight to develop programs that reflect racial diversity is ongoing.

The calendar, as proposed, will keep the 12-month, calendar, but change the reference point to historical time. Instead of starting with the birth in the life of Jesus Christ under the “Anno Domini” calendar, it would start with the development of Africa’s very first great country, Egypt. This could serve as a way to give a total of 5123 years of state administration (the generally accepted date for the union that was early dynastic Egypt is around 3100 B.C. ).

To make it clearer, if years of 3100 are merged with the current calendar for 2023 the Black calendar for politics would be covering 5,123 years of state involvement. In the future it could establish an ongoing line of administration starting from the early Nile River civilization to the Obama presidency. Barack Obama.

Alongside historical events the calendar could also be aware of current times for registration of voters and elections and it could be updated to reflect historical events and political developments in the future.

Here are four important events within the Black political history I’d suggest the calendar year that will begin in 5123. The first is that the calendar should take on the legacy of the old Nile River kingdoms and commemorate the work of the historian Cheikh Anta Diop.

By Kevin Bonner

Kevin is an Editor of The Star Bulletin and a content professor. He has been contributing his input in journalism for the last four years. Kevin holds an MFA in creative writing, editing, and publishing from Emory University, Atlanta, USA. And a BA from the same. He is passionate about helping people understand content marketing through his easily digestible materials. In his spare time, he loves to swim and cycle. He is a specialist in covering trending news, world news, and other relevant political stuff. You can find him on Twitter or LinkedIn.

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