James Taylor’s favorite song is like a surprise for many of his fans that he likes the” peace of me” melody of Britney’s from her 2007 album “Blackout” as he mentions the song as one of the best or great fights songs.

James Taylor’s favorite song of all time is one of Britney’s songs. Taylor, who is a legendary songwriter and singer of all times recently talked about his best track of Britney Spears which is “a good fight song”. James Taylor as a matter of fact doesn’t have a clue about each Britney Spears melody, however, there’s most certainly the one song that stands among others. Well, it’s amazing to know that the unassuming artist-musician adores a rebellious Britney the most.
Taylor shared his favorite song in CNN’s New Year Eve coverage
During CNN’s new year Eve coverage show, Mr. Taylor, who is also the Rock and Roll Hall of Famer talks about his favorite Britney melody when the same has been asked by Bravo’s Andy Cohen, and it’s anything but a delicate ballad or from the list of her pop hits.
He also said that he can’t profess to have gotten too profoundly into Britney’s song catalog, however, he truly likes is the ‘Piece of Me, as he added that the “peace of me” song of Britney’s is a great fight melody.
Taylor’s favorite songs of Britney’s are from her Blackout album which was realized in 2007. The song was all about her firing back to Britney’s critics and her other detractors whom she asked through this song that do they need a piece of her. Or as she mentioned through her song “You want a piece of me”?
As Britney sings as she is a Mrs. And do they need a piece of me or either trying or pissing her off. She further sings, Well fall in line with the paparazzi or who is flipping her off or may hoping her that she will turn to starting’ ruin or may also end up settling’ in the court with now would they say they want a piece of her?
Well for the viewers and fans it is great to even envision that the legend Mr. Taylor who is also a 73-year-old vocalist and who usually listens to the all-time favorites hits of his times like from the ’60s or ’70s like “Carolina in my mind” type songs is also fond of the Britney’s “Piece of me “ melody.
Well, we can also say
in the event that Mr. Taylor was also one of her fans who set up the camp in support of Britney outside the court as of late with the posters mentioning the slogans of #Free Britney as she battled to end her disputable conservatorship with her dad.
Taylor further said in the CNN show that he loves to perform on one of the most favorite songs as “Carolina in My Mind”, whereas the “Auld Lang Syne” song is his favorite pick for tuning in on New year’s Eve.