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NC State Researchers: Show Us What You’re Up To

NC State Researchers: Show Us What You're Up To

NC State Researchers: Show Us What You’re Up To

Research is a method of discovery which broadens our knowledge about the universe around us and the way it functions. Images are a powerful method of sharing these findings in a manner that educates and entertains.

From microscopy and photography through video-making and visualization of data, we know we can trust that the research community is creating images that reveal what they’re up to. We’re eager to look at the results.

NC State is calling on undergraduate and graduate students postdocs, faculty, and staff to participate to Envisioning Research, the university’s annual contest for research images. Help us to highlight the importance and beauty of the work that is being conducted on the bench as well as in the field both on campus and all over the world. (And yes you can win cash.)

It is a joint initiative of the NC State Office of Research and Innovation The Graduate School, the Office of Undergraduate Research as well as NC State University Libraries, the NC State University Libraries and University Communications and Marketing. There are cash prizes available for the winners as well as runners-up across four categories.

  • Photography (including photographs of fieldwork) Submissions must be submitted in JPEG format and be of high resolution.
  • Microscopy submissions must be submitted in JPEG format and should be high-resolution.
  • Graphics as well as Data Visualization: submissions can be submitted in JPEG, TIF, GIF or PDF formats. They must have high-resolution.
  • Interactive and video submissions must not be longer than two minutes. The shorter the better and it should be a focus on the visual presentation, not narration. Submissions may be submitted in either WMV or MP4 formats. If the submission is accessible online, contestants are able to submit a URL to specific page. Sound is not mandatory.

A note about resolution: it’s important to save and capture high-resolution images using tools used to create images (e.g. 12MP camera can create an image of 4368 x 2912 pixels image). If necessary, the submissions could be compressed to create an image copy in order to fit within the 16MB upload limit.It is important to note that the maximum upload size is 16MB.

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Each image must be original, well-executed , and efficient in providing information to the viewers. Submissions must be linked to a particular research project that was completed or is in progress within NC State.

There will be prizes for each contestant depending on the participant’s academic status at the university. An amount of 4,200 will be given out. There’s a prize of $250 for first-place graduate students or postdoctoral contestants from every category, as well as the second prize is $100 for postdoctoral or graduate student contestants. There’s a prize of $250 for the top contestants from faculty or staff within each of the categories, as well as 100 dollars for second-place contestants from the faculty or staff. There’s also a 250 prize for the first-place undergraduate contestants from each category as well as the second-place prize is $100. undergraduate contestants. Winners will also get their submissions displayed on the video walls of Hunt Library.

Submission forms and more information are available at: The deadline for submissions is not later than June 19, 2022.

Each submission must contain a caption that is not longer than 150 words which defines the work. Each submission should include a one to two-sentence description of the reasons why the work is important to North Carolina, the United States or anywhere else in the world at large.

Submissions from laboratories or a group of researchers must indicate one point of contact when filling out the questionnaire.

Individuals are able to submit multiple entries, however each entry has to be filed separately.

When they submit a photograph or graphic image or video (collectively”work”) “work”) participants are agreeing to the following conditions:

  • You confirm and warrant that this work is your original work of art and that it does not infringe or violate the copyright or any other intellectual property rights of anyone else.
  • You own all copyrights and similar rights, but grant permission to North Carolina State University to make use of, reproduce, distribute and/or make the work available for public use in any way and on any medium, without any cost and without limitation.

NC State Researchers: Show Us What You're Up To

  • North Carolina State University reserves the right to utilize contestants’ names and work for educational publicity or for promotional purposes, such as websites or the display of the winning entries. The works are shared with journalists who report on these awards as well as the promotion of the contest the competition itself. You grant North Carolina State University non exclusive rights to utilize your name, likenesses, quotations and submissions for promotional and/or educational reasons. This includes but isn’t restricted to display on websites exhibitions, printed materials and print materials.
  • The organizers of the contest are entitled to place the entry into a separate category, if the category of the submission is found to be incorrect.
  • In this agreement, you agree to defend North Carolina State University, its trustees officers, agents and employees from all claims or demands (including costs of attorneys) due to the result of a final judgment or settlement, or any legal proceeding or claim arising from or resulting from any breach or claim to be a infraction of the above promises and representations.
By Patsy S. Nielsen

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