Japanese Manga is a major trend around the world right now. The show talks about a high school student Yatora Yaguchi who has no motivation for life but happens to be excellent in academics. He has a set of unambitious friends as well and all of them are unaware of their purposes. Later, the protagonist lands into the beautifully pretty world of art after encountering inspiration from a painting. The show then takes the viewers through a completely different journey of art and finding purpose in art. This has kept audiences hooked across the world and people are still trying to understand the ending of the blue period anime.

What is so confusing about the show that has led to talks across the towns? Before we get to that, let us have a brief recap of it. The ending is firstly concerned with a three-day exam. The protagonist deals with health issues yet he succeeds in acing the examination. Now, the question that interests everyone is, how did the protagonist do it?
The show is overall wrapped in the world of art and what it takes to be a true art lover. It depicts how understanding art might take a lot out of a human being. Even the title of the last episode indicates the details of it- “When I Started to be Dyed in Color”. The protagonist and every other character shown in the show were very transparent before entering the world of art. But the slow and in-depth learning of art made them biased. They started having extremely specific perceptions and felt monotonous towards it. What Yatora in the end did is the act of unlearning the biases and learning to be transparent in order to represent art and express emotions.
Art should come to a person as naturally as breathing or sleeping. While the learning might have taken a lot of time for the characters but the exam took their understanding. In fact, in the episode, it is shown that just before starting the examination, the character thinks to himself, “I was transparent”. This is why the title “When I Started to be Dyed in Color” makes much more sense at the end. The character discovers himself and the art altogether all over again.
Although the viewers are not given much more insight into the inner calling or thoughts of the character, the scenarios depict it in a fine manner. The protagonist discovers that doing art is reflecting the true self and what the person truly feels towards different objects or people in the world.