One Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness theory might actually have the potential to explain the introduction of vampires in the MCU. Indeed, even Doctor Strange has been compelled to concede he has barely any insight into the multiverse, yet he’ll before long glean some significant knowledge more on the grounds that the trailers for Doctor Strange 2 have shown the Masters of the Mystic Arts confronting dangers on a more noteworthy scale than anything they’ve defied previously. The multiverse is critical to the MCU’s Phase 4, and it’s going to be completely exposed.
The trailers for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness have prodded a few baffling areas, and there’s a hypothesis some of them could be a magical domain called Otherworld, lifted directly from the funnies. There, Otherworld lies at the heart of the multiverse, filling in as one of the various phenomena depicted as a “nexus of all reality.”
It is overwhelmed by the Starlight Citadel, a stronghold intended to safeguard every single aspect, and in the event that the Doctor Strange 2 trailers have to be sure shown the Starlight Citadel, it is bound to be left in ruins. That proposes the passages between the different aspects could well be opened, permitting anything to pass into the primary MCU timetable.

This even conceivably sets up the MCU’s vampires. 2020’s “X of Swords” X-Men occasion investigated Otherworld to a phenomenal degree, uncovering it is isolated into various Fair and Foul Courts. One of the Fair Courts is Sevalith, a land governed by Countex Oublia and Countex Oscura, and it is the home of genuine vampires. In the event that the multiverse breaks in Doctor Strange 2, a part of Sevalith could twist up shipped to the MCU, acquainting vampires with this world.
The Super Bowl trailer for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness might well help this theory. It incorporates a brief look at Doctor Strange being brought before gathering fans have named the “Illuminati,” one of whom seems, by all accounts, to be a variation of Professor X voiced by Patrick Stewart.
Numerous watchers are persuaded Blade shows up in the Doctor Strange 2 trailer as an individual from this gathering, in light of the shadow of what seems, by all accounts, to be a man in a general coat wearing a sword on his back. In the event that vampires are for sure a multiversal force in the MCU, Marvel Studios’ Blade could well be a being who goes between the aspects shielding various real factors from them.

Vampires have as of now been referenced multiple times in the MCU, eminently in Thor: Ragnarok and Loki, however, they absolutely don’t appear to be standard. The small bunch of vampires who have been seen as of not long ago might have been explorers who figured out how to get through the limits between the aspects and show up on Earth yet who was quickly killed by either Blade or the TVA.
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In any case, the TVA appears to be fairly distracted with a multiversal battle after a Loki variation killed He Who Remains, and the multiverse is falling to pieces, meaning Blade will be unable to manage a huge scope invasion. Curiously, talking in a meeting (through Rotten Tomatoes) back in 2019, Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige implied there is an association between Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness and Blade – and this theory would be a perfect fit.