Day by day the pandemic is rising globally so the use and supply of KN95 and N95 masks have become more favorable these days. The demand for masks has increased to 52% in this epidemic. It is ok to wear cloth masks in COVID, but the imparting of Omicron has pressured us to counterbalance it by covering our face with surgical masks and K95 and with N95 masks. Earlier the manufacturing of masks was not that much but after the cause, we needed to wear them, and to rescue ourselves, we have to do so.

Necessity of Masks
It is a barrier that puts a stop to our inhaling and exhaling droplets from outreaching to other persons. According to the minds of scientists and scholars, masks diminish the sprinkles of droplets when we dress them over the nose and on the mouth. When You wear a mask, you will be safe. Actually, the problem arises from our end, from the human side, we have made our lifestyle in such a way that now we are paying for our deeds. It is very common that “as you sow so shall you reap”, scientists and other means to say that we should make this as our custom and pattern that we have to wear masks for our wellbeing and safety. Masks covering minimize the capacity of expiratory and breathing droplets spread while we talk, breathe, cough, and when we sneeze.
Are N95 and KN95 washable?
No, they are not. Even though they have three layers of protection for our safety, mixing and pouring these masks into water diminish their advantage and fruitfulness.
Disposable masks
These face cover masks are available on a broad scale. They are every so often known as surgical masks or medical approach masks. We should wear disposable masks with a proper fitting covering our nose and mouth. They have numerous layers for our safety and protection, and also have nose wire.
The main thing we avoid in these disposable masks is that there should not be any gap from the sides of the face and nose, it should be good enough and appropriate enough to cover our nose and mouth for our safety. And it should not have any stained substance and matter.
For better safety, which masks should we use??
- We can use two masks for safety purposes
- We can apply 3-ply mask adjoining the edge of the mask
Why should we use N95 and KN95 masks?
These masks are approved by NIOSH (national institute for occupational safety and health) which is a US federal organization that cares for regulating research and making guidance for the safety of work-related mishappening and illness. We should be sincere towards buying masks because some KN95 masks don’t meet NIOSH conditions. More than 65% of these masks are fake, so we should avoid them.
Instead of buying this for our safety purposes, we might have illness if we wear fake masks. Same as KN95 masks, N95 are also approved by NIOSH, as they filter up 95% of the dust and particles in the air and in our breath, condition applied if they are properly fitted from our mouth and nose.
Transparent masks
These types of masks are approved by the FDA(Food and drug administration) which is a management of the department and human services. They should be self-contained for healthcare workers and can be avoided or restricted if an individual faces struggle or problem in the inhaling and exhaling process, and make sure that a surplus amount of wet content should not be assembled inside and outside of the mask.
In this pandemic, we should avoid traveling and we should use sanitizer and wear masks. Cloth masks are likely referred to the masks for facial decoration. We should keep in mind that they are worn only for our safety purposes. So we should wear that. We can use N95 and KN95 masks for our better protection from COVID-19 and omicron. They just cost 5$. And these dollars can save our lives for a long time.